Yearbook Photography

Nick's senior portraits

Nicholas: Senior Yearbook

A while back I got to photograph Nicholas.  I'm friends with both his mom Abbie as well as his Aunt, and his mom Abbie always told me she wanted me to take his high school senior portraits when the time comes.  We spent the afternoon at a Country Club that Nick is a member of, and it turns out he's something of a golf natural.

Nicholas: Senior Yearbook
Nicholas: Senior Yearbook
Nicholas: Senior Yearbook
Nicholas: Senior Yearbook
Nicholas: Senior Yearbook

Nick got accepted to Boston College and he's going to be taking the golf world by storm.  Keep an eye out for him.

To see a few more images from this session, click here.

Senior Yearbook Portraits: Caitlin

Caitlin: Senior Portraits

We've been getting completely attacked with snow this season, so I thought it was time to think about warmer weather.  Over last summer I got to do some High School Yearbook portraits, and I wanted to share one shoot with you that I completely love:  Caitlin's session

I haven't been advertising my yearbook sessions.  It started a few years ago with a friend who's daughter went to a local private school.  Word of mouth started spreading, and I got more and more calls.  I'm hoping I can continue to book yearbook sessions as I love doing them.

For Caitlin, we took a whole afternoon and we did multiple locations in Merrimack, Amherst and Bedford NH.  My buddy Jeremy was assisting me and the whole session was very relaxed.  Caitlin was dressed comfortably, but wore colors that worked really well on her.

The first location we started at was in Amherst in a large open field.  It was a great spot where people sled during the chilly winter months.  Large open area with practically no traffic at all.

Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits

It was at this location where we ended up getting my favorite shot of the day:

Caitlin: Senior Portraits

Both in color and black & white - I just love this image.  I love her face and the direction she is looking.  Love it.

Caitlin's dad came along and took some great behind-the-scenes shots as we were doing our sessions:


We moved to a second spot in the same area where there was quite a bit of growth:

Caitlin: Senior Portraits

Shooting in these weeds was totally a chance.  I wasn't sure how it was going to look, but we gave it a shot, and it ended up looking fantastic!  I've nicknamed the shot above as the "Rolling Stone" shot.  If Caitlin were to grace the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, that would be the cover image. :)

After the shooting in the weeds, we stopped at an enclosed tunnel that went under the road to the parking lot.  I instantly knew how I wanted these images to look:

Caitlin: Senior Portraits

(this image is Caitlin's mom's favorite)

The tunnel shots wrapped up the first location, and from there we moved to an area over near Cailtin's home, where there was a covered bridge:

Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits

(I love this shot!)

We spent a little time at the covered bridge, but we had one more location we wanted to reach before the sun went down over in Bedford NH.

A while back, Sara and I stumbled across this gorgeous location on the Merrimack River.  It has a railroad bridge going over it and the water that crosses from Bedford to Lichfield NH is extremely shallow; so shallow that you can walk across it if you wanted.  This whole area (which is a prime location spot for many photographers I've since discovered) was absolutely beautiful.  I've since used it for a few other Yearbook sessions as well as a session with Liz Longley, and there are so many places to shoot it never gets boring.  Plus, bring a lunch, and you've got a private beach all to yourself!

Caitlin: Senior Portraits

We set up on the bridge and we shot until the sun set.  This was a really great location, and we got some really moody, compelling portraits here:

Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits
Caitlin: Senior Portraits

This was an amazing session.  I love these kinds of sessions where time isn't a factor and it gives us time to shoot and experiment and just enjoy the process of creativity.  My favorite thing during this shoot was how Caitlin had this little part of her hair wrapped in a green thread.  It worked perfectly with the color of her hair and the color of her shirt.  It was such a nice little touch that I kept looking at during our session.

Caitlin was such a joy to photograph.  With her parents agreement she's agreed to model for me during some 2011 Portable Portrait workshops (dates soon!), and I could not be more happier.  I really loved working with her. For Senior Portrait inquiries, please contact me at: for prices, information, and to discuss what kinds of images we can make together for *you*.

Cheers, Sid